Photo archive

Photographs are found in many forms and in many types of archive. They are an important source of knowledge about both our past and the world we live in now.  They tell us about settlement, communications, clothing and much more. And they tell about work, day to day life and leisure. Besides what they tell us about the factual, pictures are very evocative and can bring out memories of the past for the viewer.

Link to photographic section of the County archive of Sogn og Fjordane

The local history photo archive is intended to be a cornerstone of local history work in Aurland, for local people and associations and also for institutions such as the county archive and the Norwegian Institute of Local History. Ever since the local history centre started up in 1993, a great deal of work has gone into building up a collection of, among other things, photographs. You can find part of the photo collection on the Internet: The Aurland Flickr Project

Some examples:

